Established since 2016 & Open to Older Adults in the Greater New York Area:
Search and Care’s “Silver Circles” program has been helping older adults increase their connectivity through the use of technology, in both one-on-one and group sessions. Pre-COVID, these sessions took place in our agency office and directly in clients’ homes.
- Silver Circles empowers and engages older adults to master technology/learn new skills, increases their connection to others (family/friends, medical providers, and more), increases peer support/camaraderie through group participation, and reduces loneliness and isolation.
- Components of Silver Circles include:
- One-On-One Computer Coaching: helping older adults through one-on-one remote or in-person sessions (telephonic and/or via video chat) with learning how to use their devices – computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. – in whatever ways fit each client’s needs and interests
- Technology Help Events – We try our best to run monthly weekend events where volunteers can assist older adults who bring in their devices.
- To see our area limits for in-person coaching sessions, please see our catchment area
To learn more about our Silver Circles program, or to inquire about volunteering, contact: Jacob Gonzalez or Michelle Carr, Connectivity Coordinators.
Telehealth Assistance Collaboration with Metropolitan Hospital
If you are on this site due to our Metropolitan Hospital collaboration,
please click HERE to fill out our referral form